
BaseRequest Base class for requests using the request / response pattern.
BaseResponse Base class for responses using the request / response pattern.
Field Defines a Field property for a Request or Response object.
FieldFinders Metaclass for defining response_by_FIELD methods on RequesterEndpoint classes.
FieldHolderDictProxy Base class for field holders that makes it act like a dict for easy serialization.
RequesterEndpoint Base class for Endpoints that create requests in the request / response pattern.
ResponderEndpoint Base class for Endpoints that respond to requests in the request / response pattern.
SetNameBackport Metaclass to backport the __set_name__ behavior for data descriptors, which was added in Python 3.6, to earlier versions.


class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.BaseRequest(source, request_id)

Bases: charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.FieldHolderDictProxy

Base class for requests using the request / response pattern.

Subclasses must set the RESPONSE_CLASS attribute to a subclass of the BaseResponse which defines the fields that the response will use. They must also define additional attributes as :class:`Field`s.

For example:

class TLSResponse(BaseResponse):
    key = Field('Private key for the cert')
    cert = Field('Public cert info')

class TLSRequest(BaseRequest):

    common_name = Field('Common Name (CN) for the cert to be created')
    sans = Field('List of Subject Alternative Names (SANs)')
classmethod create(relation, **fields)

Create a new request.

Fields and their values can be passed in to pre-populate the request as keyword arguments, or can be set individually on the resulting request.

classmethod create_or_update(match_fields, relation, **fields)

Find a request and update it, or create a new one.

If multiple requests match, only the first one is updated.

  • match_fields – List of the field names to match by.
  • relation – Relation to find or create the request on.
  • **fields

    Name / value pairs to match by and update to.


The new or updated request.


for relation in self.relations:

Create a response to this request.

Fields and their values can be passed in to pre-populate the response as keyword arguments, or can be set individually on the resulting response.

Returns the response object (which can also be accessed as request.response).


Subnets over which network traffic to the requester will flow.

classmethod find(relation=None, **fields)

Find the first request whose fields match the given values.

  • relation – If given, look for the request on a specific relation.
  • **fields

    Name / value pairs to match by.

classmethod find_all(**fields)

Find all requests whose fields match the given values.


Name / value pairs to match by.

classmethod get(request_id)

Get a specific request by ID.

classmethod get_all()

Get a list of all requests (in order of their ID).


Address to use if a connection to the requester is required.


Whether this request was created by this side of the relation.


Whether this request was received by the other side of the relation.


UUID for this request. Will be automatically generated.


Respond to this request. (Alias of create_response().)

Fields and their values can be passed in to pre-populate the response as keyword arguments, or can be set individually on the resulting response.

Returns the response object (which can also be accessed as request.response).

class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.BaseResponse(request)

Bases: charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.FieldHolderDictProxy

Base class for responses using the request / response pattern.

classmethod create(request, **fields)

Create a response to the given request.

Fields and their values can be passed in to pre-populate the response as keyword arguments, or can be set individually on the resulting response.

class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.Field(description)

Bases: property

Defines a Field property for a Request or Response object.

Can be set or retrieved like a normal attribute, and will be automatically serialized over the relation using JSON.

class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.FieldFinders(name, bases, namespace)

Bases: type

Metaclass for defining response_by_FIELD methods on RequesterEndpoint classes.

This is done as a metaclass to handle fields on derived classes but to still allow the methods to show up in the class’s documentation.

class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.FieldHolderDictProxy

Bases: dict

Base class for field holders that makes it act like a dict for easy serialization.

class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.RequesterEndpoint(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: charms.reactive.endpoints.Endpoint

Base class for Endpoints that create requests in the request / response pattern.

Subclasses must set the REQUEST_CLASS attribute to a subclass of BaseRequest which defines the fields the request will use.

Will automatically manage the following flags:

  • endpoint.{endpoint_name}.has_responses Set if any responses are available
  • endpoint.{endpoint_name}.all_responses Set if all requests have responses.

A list of all requests which have been submitted.

response_by_field(relation=None, **fields)

Find a response by the value(s) of fields on its request.

  • relation – If given, limit the search to that relation.
  • **fields

    Name / value pairs to match by.


A list of all responses which have been received.

class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.ResponderEndpoint(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: charms.reactive.endpoints.Endpoint

Base class for Endpoints that respond to requests in the request / response pattern.

Subclasses must set the REQUEST_CLASS attribute to a subclass of BaseRequest which defines the fields the request will use.

Will automatically manage the following flags:

  • endpoint.{endpoint_name}.has_requests Set if any requests are available
  • endpoint.{endpoint_name}.new_requests Set if any unhandled requests are available.

A list of all requests, including ones which have been responded to.


A list of requests which have not been responded.

Requests should be handled by the charm and then responded to by calling request.respond(...).

class charms.reactive.patterns.request_response.SetNameBackport

Bases: type

Metaclass to backport the __set_name__ behavior for data descriptors, which was added in Python 3.6, to earlier versions.