Structure of a Reactive Charm

A reactive charm is built using layers, with the “top” layer being called the “charm layer.” The charm layer would then reference other layers that it builds upon, which are generally thought of in two types: base layers, and interface layers. The charm indicates which layers it builds upon via its layer.yaml, which might look like this:

  - 'layer:apache'
  - 'interface:mysql'
    # apt packages required by charm code
      - 'unzip'

This includes one base layer, apache2, and an interface layer, mysql. The apache2 layer itself builds upon two other base layers and another interface layer, so the total hierarchy of the charm would look like this:

┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
│ layer:basic │ │ layer:apt │ │ interface:http │
└──────┬──────┘ └──────┬────┘ └─────────┬──────┘
                ┌──────┴────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐
                │ layer:apache2 │ │ interface:mysql │
                └──────┬────────┘ └────────┬────────┘
                            │ my_app │

The options section in the layer.yaml allows the charm to set configuration for other layers. In this case, specifying to the basic layer that the charm needs the unzip package in order to function.

Charm Layer

The charm layer is what most charm authors will be writing, and allows the charm author to focus on just the information and code which is relevant to the charm itself. By including other layers, the charm layer can then rely on those layer to provide common behavior, using documented flags and method calls to communicate with those layers.

A charm layer consists, at a bare minimum, of the following files:

  • metadata.yaml: This file contains information about the charm, such as the charm name, summary, description, maintainer, and what relations the charm supports.
  • layer.yaml: This file indicates what other layers this charm builds upon.
  • reactive/<charm_name>.py: This file, where <charm_name> is replaced by the name of the charm (using underscores in place of dashes), is the reactive entry point for the charm. It should contain or import files containing all of the handlers provided by this charm layer.

The charm layer should also contain a few additional files, though some may be optional depending on what features the charm supports:

  • This file should document your charm in detail, and is required for the charm to be listed in the Charm Store.
  • copyright: This file should document what copyright your charm is available under.
  • config.yaml: For adding configuration options to the charm.
  • icon.svg: For providing a nice icon for the charm.
  • actions.yaml and actions/<action-name> scripts: For supporting actions in the charm.
  • metrics.yaml: For collecting metrics about the deployment.

An example tree for a charm layer might thus look like this:

├── metadata.yaml
├── icon.svg
├── config.yaml
├── layer.yaml
├── reactive/
│   └──
├── actions.yaml
├── actions/
│   └── do-something
└── copyright

Base Layers

Base layers provide functionality that is common across several charms. These layers should provide a set of handlers in reactive/<layer_name>.py which will set additional flags that will drive behavior in the charm layer. They may also include a Python module in lib/charms/layer/<layer_name>.py which can be imported from the charm layer to provide functions or classes to be used by the charm layer.

Base layers are otherwise identical to charm layers, and can provide things such as actions, config options, metrics, etc. for the charm layer. For example, a base layer might provide an action script, as well as the corresponding defition in the actions.yaml file. The actions.yaml file from the charm layer will then be merged onto the one provided by the base layer, and both sets of actions will be available.

layer:basic is a useful base layer:

Interface Layers

Interface layers encapsulate the communication protocol over a Juju interface when two applications are related together. These layers will react to applications being related to the charm, and will handle the transfer of data to and from the units of the related application. This ensures that all charms using that interface protocol can effectively communicate with one another.

As with base layers, an interface layer will provide a set of flags to inform the charm layer of the signficant points in the relationship conversation. The interface layer will also provide a class with well-documented methods to use to interact with that relation. Instances of these classes will be automatically created by the framework.

More information about interface layers can be found in the docs.